11, డిసెంబర్ 2018, మంగళవారం

How to Write a Research Paper on Artificial Intelligence

In the modern world, the subject of artificial intelligence and the field of development of intelligent technologies have ceased to be the prerogative of a purely scientific community. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of creating a system of artificial intelligence functioning at the necessary and sufficient level, for which the presence of reason will be recognized.

There is a significant success of IT developers, neuroscientists, psychologists, physicists, and other specialists, who for a long time have been limited to individual scientific disciplines and now united in the context of interdisciplinarity. However, reading about it is exciting and promising, but writing about it is exceptionally hard. To help you out, we’ve interviewed professional academic writers from Smart Writing Service and they shared up-to-date tips on how to write a research paper on artificial intelligence.

Talk About the Most Trending Approaches

  • The scientific community sees different versions of developments in the field of artificial intelligence. D. Hawkins, for example, proposes an integrative approach that combines engineering, neurobiological, cognitive, and even ethical approaches. Within the framework of the integrative approach, there is no reason to expect from a reasonable machine that it should look, act, feel or think like a person. “The thoughts and behaviour of a rational machine may differ significantly from those of a human being, and it will have intelligence, which is determined by the predictive ability of hierarchical memory, and not by human-like behaviour.”
  • The physicist and mathematician Roger Penrose, who works in the field of the general theory of relativity and quantum theory, proves the impossibility of unfolding human intelligence into algorithms. Behind all these arguments is the “obviousness” of the assumption that “a mind endowed with consciousness simply cannot work like a computer, despite the algorithmic nature of many components of our mental activity.”
  • Sphere of application. About the spheres of application of artificial intelligence, Ignacy Belda argues: “Artificial intelligence gradually entered our lives. Sooner or later, the day will come when there will be systems with the same level of creativity, sensation and emotional intelligence as a person. On the day when this happens, we will understand that we are not alone.” The classic textbook for artificial intelligence in the United States was the work of well-known computer scientists Stewart Russell and Peter Norvig “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach,” in which artificial intelligence is defined as “the science of agents who receive results from their environment-related actions

State What Make AI Project Successful

Traditionally, an indicator of overall success in the development of artificial intelligence systems is considered to be the ability to externally model typical human functions, qualities, and properties, thereby surpassing a person in typical human activities. Manifestations and “self-realization” of the developed samples are perceived through the prism of the human factor and the so-called “effect of AI” (meaninglessness and “depsihologization” of activity), which is a latent, but nonetheless global problem in this sphere.

The problem is particularly relevant due to the lack of criteria for interpreting and “understanding” what we have as the results of activities in the field of developing artificial intelligence. Namely, a purely algorithmic mechanism lacking the capacity for understanding, or a psycho-machine with the potential for the emergence of proto-mental qualities, that is, the makings of the psyche and, perhaps, intelligence. Despite the terminological features of the very concept of “artificial intelligence,” in the world scientific community, it is considered that the presence of consciousness, and not of intelligence, will become a necessary and sufficient basis for recognizing a machine reasonable.

Offer Not Trivial Solutions

In contrast to the development of logo-machines, offer a more creative idea: the formation of a psycho-machine. The purpose of the psycho-machine is not to replace a person in complex, unpleasant or non-odd activities or to compete with a person in intellectual or logical tasks. For this machine, it is not at all necessary to demonstrate intellectual or mental indicators, but instead having an extensive structured and well-written base of the corresponding algorithms, which will allow it to quite successfully cope with activities that are beyond the power of a person due to the human factor. The idea of the psycho-machine is much more ambitious, and even spiritual and specifically existential in its own way.

In essence, we are talking about creating something much larger than the man himself, something super-anthropic or even meta-anthropic. And this is precisely the idea of creating a psycho-machine, which is the apotheosis and quintessence of human capabilities, as well as the resolution of the so-called “Complex of God.” The established technology should immeasurably surpass the human skills and abilities in the sphere of mental, intellectual, spiritual and existential.

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