1, నవంబర్ 2018, గురువారం

HDD or SSD: What should you prefer for Gaming?

HDD or SSD for Gaming?

This becomes quite confusing for most people to make a selection between an HDD and SSD while building their pc. But when it comes to building up a high-performance Gaming PC’s then it becomes more important for you to get aware of how both of them influence the gaming performance of your computer. If you are shifting to SSD by thinking that you will get a better frame rate, then it’s your myth. Framerate concerns GPU of your pc, changing from HDD to SSD will not make a difference. Here I will clear your doubt on SSD, for that you need to understand the involvement of storage device while you play games.

Obviously, you need storage disk to store your games and another stuff you have on your system. Your storage disk keeps your games and any preloaded files of online games. Hard drive and Solid State Drive both do this task but their technology variates.

Clearing cloud of confusion

You will get a lot of performance advantages of choosing an SSD over a hard drive because the faster read/write capability of an SSD will load large files faster and also shorten the boot times taken by both your OS and the programs on your pc.

But, when it comes to gaming performance, an SSD will not add up any sufficiently great advantage. Usually, hard drives work well for gaming if it has space to store your game and is fast enough to get compatible with the graphics you are using, the average need is 525GB. SSDs scores an advantage over HDDs when it comes to the loading time of game because it does not need to spin platter to locate at fragmenting data.

If you have an old gaming PC, and you were planning on upgrading to an SSD because you thought that might help you run your games at a more acceptable framerate, you’d be better off using the money you were going to spend on an SSD to get a newer graphics card instead.

Games which are installed on an SSD will boot faster than games that are installed on a hard drive. This boot time will change over different computers and game, but in some cases booting a game from an SSD could take less than half the time it would take to boot it from a hard drive, loading times to go from a game’s menu into the game itself are faster when the game is installed on an SSD than when it installed on a hard drive.

So finally it could be concluded that SSD is not going to give a boost to your framerate but it can decrease the time you spend from the moment you launch your game to the moment you are actually in the game playing it, with its increased boot times, your games will load faster.

Smart move and options you get.

Both SSDs and hard drives do the same work they boot your system and store your applications and personal files. But each type of storage has its own unique feature set. Point of differences are here SSDs are more expensive than hard drives in terms of price per GB. A 1 TB internal hard drive costs between $30 and $40, but an SSD of the same capacity costs around $200.

When it comes to speed, it is a major factor where SSDs wins over HDDs. A pc with SSD will boot in less than a minute, while a hard drive requires time to speed up to OS, and will continue to be slower than an SSD during normal use.

When it comes to durability SSD has no moving parts, so it is more likely to keep your data safe in the event you drop your laptop bag or your system is shaken while it’s operating, but hard drives have their  read/write head parked when not in operation, if you are harsh on your equipment then hard drive may get damaged.

When it comes to power, HDDs need extra power for spinning platter from rest to fragment data so it needs extra energy is consumed, on the other hand, SSDs do not have such platter moving mechanism so there is no need for extra power consumption.

So here is the selection I have made for different people with varying requirements:

If you are a budget buyer and just collects videos and such kind of stuff then you need good space, you should go for HDDs because they provide huge space in much lesser price than of SSDs.

If you do graphics designing with professionalism then your media editor software wear outs storage when overused. So you should go for a 500GB SSD rather than replacing it with another 1TB hard drive.

If you are mad about performance quality then you should keep both of the storage devices configured in your pc. SSDs for games and your preferred software for the quality experience and HDDs for storing videos, pictures, and other stuff. Well, this is the way I use both of them, what’s your choice comment below.

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