4, అక్టోబర్ 2018, గురువారం

5 Tips to Quickly Learn Any Programming Language

Proven Tips for Learning Programming Faster

Programming is a technical skill that is quite rewarding if well mastered. You can get employed and earn lucrative perks or you can still become a freelance programmer. If you are aspiring to be a self-taught programmer or you are pursuing a technology-related course, it is obvious that you would like to master the programming skills as fast as possible.

So, how can you learn Programming faster? Here are the surest tips that can help you to quickly learn Programming.

Also, Read: How to Learn Programming in 6 Months and Get Hired?

1. Code as you learn

Make your learning process active rather than passive. Start juggling with the lines of code as you learn. Do not just sit back and watch tutorials or read notes hoping to implement what you are learning later. You will encounter many roadblocks that will be forcing you to go back and start learning again.

The earlier you start trying out what you are learning, the faster you will learn. In fact, your coding environment should be running concurrently as you learn. The most recommended way of learning is to build a project as you read through the learning material. This way you will be able to learn faster and in a systematic way.

2. Master the fundamentals

This is one of the tips that most aspiring programmers overlook. Most students will rush through the fundamental and head straight for the advanced programming concepts. Probably they assume that the basic concepts will waste their precious time.

However, this tactic usually ends up backfiring on them. They usually end up getting stuck on the advanced concepts which require some deep knowledge on the fundamentals. The learners are then forced to go back and study the fundamentals again. In doing so, they waste plenty of time. To avoid becoming a victim, take the fundamental concepts of programming seriously.

Also, Read: 10 Best Courses For Learning Popular Programming Languages

3. Don’t rely on Automation

Despite the advancement of technology, do not forget the old-age method of learning programming which involved writing the codes manually. It is more effective than fully relying on the computer to learn how to code. There are numerous advantages that come with writing each line of code on your book or a whiteboard.

You will be more attentive when manually writing the codes using your hands. This method will also build a sense of diligence in you. You will learn how to avoid shortcuts. Writing codes manually will also prepare you for interviews when you finally get into the job market. This is because most employers prefer to conduct manual tests. Let’s not forget that most college programming examinations require students to write codes manually.

4. Do not fear to ask for help

The learning process can get tough and will drain your energy. Worse of it all is when you find some concepts too difficult to master. As much as you would want to be a lone wolf, asking for help won’t cost you anything. Instead, you will be helping yourself.

If you want to learn to programme faster, get a mentor. This is a person who is good in the programming language that you are learning. The mentor will be able to lift you up whenever you get stuck. A concept that may be proving to be a hard nut to crack may just be a walkover to your mentor.

Apart from getting a mentor, you may consider interacting with other programmers in your area. They will prove to be a valuable asset especially when it comes to learning some new concepts. They will also motivate you to continue learning even when you feel that you can’t do it anymore.

5. Utilize online resources

There are plenty of online resources that you can use to accelerate the learning process. These resources come in different forms. They can be online tutorials, textbooks, and even online forums. If you feel that you are not understanding a certain concept, simply log into a trustworthy forum and ask members the question. You will be surprised by the plenty of answers that you will get. Video platforms such as YouTube can demonstrate for you how to arrive at a solution. The good thing about online resources is you can compare the solutions from different sources.


As much as you would like to learn programming faster, do not be in a rush. Practice some patience and go step by step. Although the journey may not be smooth, try to believe in yourself.

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